Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to have a Great Silhouette Wedding

How to have a great silhouette wedding

It is so in-vogue to have a personal silhouette theme for your wedding. You can imprint your engagement invitations with a custom silhouette of the two of you as shown by silhouettesbycindi or Later, a custom wedding invitation can be made, and examples of that are on the blog by silhouette sisters Kathryn and Cindi. At the engagement party, you can offer silhouette cookies as shown on Cindi Harwood Rose’s blog, or you can trace a shadow of the bride and groom off the wall, and order festive silhouette cookies from Victor Trading Company. Tracing the bride and groom’s silhouette is a fun craft, but it will not be as detailed, as one done by a premier paper-cutting profile artist. There are only a few skilled silhouette artists in the world, so it is best to do your research, making sure the artist you select, can acquire a good likeness. The best silhouette artists, do not trace off the wall. They are fine artists, who hand-cut the paper portrait from a profile photo sent to them by e-mail, or from life. These silhouette artists are skilled portrait artists, and actually can draw with scissors, without having to sketch. They have fine arts degrees from fine universities, and are self-taught from natural talents. Many have done silhouettes for three generations or more. There are only around 10 superb silhouette artists in the universe who do the lovely interior details, giving each person their unique profile.

To make your wedding day over-the-top, it is special to hire a top silhouette artist, which can be done from the Silhouette Ladies. The artist should be able to do at least 30 silhouettes per hour, but you can hire two artist such as Kathryn Flocken and C.Harwood Rose in the United States or Charles Burns and Sarah Goddard in the UK. This is wonderful if you have 300 to 500 guests.

A black and white theme is stylish and fashionable. Sometimes the bride wears a black sash at her waist to embellish this theme.

Silhouettest Cindi Rose has created custom bride and groom table cloths which add to the silhouette wedding décor.

The Silhouette Sisters also can put your silhouette on candy boxes, tote bags, mugs, or pendants, and cuff-links, as gifts to bridesmaids and grooms, or all wedding guests. Both C. Rose and K. Flocken offer two silhouettes at the weddings; one for each guest, mounted on 5 x 7 lovely cards, and one for an heirloom guest book signed at the wedding, and treasured for years to come.

You can also view Kathryn Flocken or Cindi Rose on You Tube, cutting silhouettes at weddings and engagement parties.

The tradition of hand-cutting silhouettes at weddings historically began in the late 1700’s, and the popularity of silhouette artists at weddings is still timeless today.

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