Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Silhouette Shades: Freehand Cut vs. Machine

Many people rejoice in the cutting of the charming European and American silhouettists and profilists who once called their work Shades.  Some cut by mechanical means such as William Bache who began in Worcestershire, England and then came to Philadelphia in 1782.  In many aspects the machine, was a form of "cheating" for the non-portrait artist, since even in the 1700's, it was rare to find a real silhouette artist, who merely gazed upon a subject and hand-cut the profile-- without having to use a light, machine, or shadow.  In these detailed photos, veteran silhouette artist, Cindi Rose cuts with antiques around her for a wedding shoot. Today, as yesterday, this difficult art to master, is often copycatted by artificial means-- the Photoshop, a wall tracing, a camera cut-put. These methods reduce the subject to a minimal, blocking their light, making them less than who they are.  The accurate master of the lost art, will make unique detail cut-outs, often even, draw more details on the special silhouette paper and sign and not stamp their works. 

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