Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Patriotic historical Cindi Rose Silhouettes at DAR luncheon

Patriotic historical Cindi Rose Silhouettes at DAR luncheon
With honor, Cindi Harwood Rose, America's premier silhouette artist was the featured historic speaker at a Daughter's of the American Revolution luncheon for the Alexander Love NSDAR chapter. In 1923 a group of active ladies joined together to offer patriotic support and volunteerism setting up "Camp Logan" which is now in Memorial Park, Houston, Texas. Historical documents and silhouettes were brought in by Cindi Rose, including those by Augustine Edourt and C. Harwood Rose of John Hamilton, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and George 111. Rose speech, was for the pursuit of happiness, and light upon capturing moments. She demonstrated, how real silhouettes done by viewing a person and environment, and not using a shadow, or camera, or Photoshop, capture personality, and say more about fashion, style and history, than the ones made from wall shadows. The lost art of heirloom silhouette profiling that Rose does, is almost non-existent, especially with the detail and acute likeness she acquires. She cut the polka dots out of the dress, and flowers in the hat, at the meeting of one of the DAR members, offering around 8 actual, on-the-spot silhouettes of members (drawn from a hat), as well as her delightful lecture. Member, Lane Llewellyn says, "Cindi Harwood Rose was completely prepared with a historical discussion on how silhouette artistry was at its peak during the American Revolution. Rose's work was featured as an American Hero in American Profile Magazine, this month, for breast cancer awareness." Cindi said, "it is part of silhouettes for survivors, I donate my profits to the roseribbonfoundation.org for internet orders. For more information see silhouettesbycindi.com or CindiSilhouettes@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose featured at Hanson Galleries to benefit Craft Relief Emergency Fund

Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose featured at Hanson Galleries to benefit Craft Relief Emergency Fund

This Friday, Oct. 21, by appointment at Hanson Galleries, Memorial City, Cindi Rose, will hand-cut and sign silhouettes of individuals to benefit the Craft Relief Emergency Fund. For more information see silhouettesbycindi.com or e-mail CindiSilhouettes@gmail.com Rose will do the antique, lost, French art of hand-cutting silhouettes, from modern black silhouette paper, with edge and style, making a keepsake or holiday gift.