Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Silhouette artist history includes silhouette of Hamilton on Broadway, with Cindi Silhouettes standing tall for Alexander Hamilton

Silhouette artist history includes silhouette of Hamilton on Broadway, with Cindi Silhouettes standing tall for Alexander Hamilton


Silhouette artist Cindi Rose often travels to New York to do silhouette artwork at weddings and special events.

While there she sees lovely historic silhouettes, and silhouette logos in many Broadway Plays.

Recently, she had the pleasure of being hired for elegant weddings New York in mid-town and up-town.

She was thrilled with the fabulous silhouettes hand-painted as emblems on walls and T-shirts at award-winning Broadway Play, Hamilton.

World  history is full of lovely silhouette artwork to record fashion and facial features of the times.

English and French royalty were also fond of silhouette artwork in the 1700's and 1800's. 

Today, silhouettes are seen in many logos, the cinema and in Broadway Plays like "Finding Neverland'

And "Hamilton".  Silhouette Artists are unique and to have the silhouettes made by them for

movie posters and Playbills, make the theme stand-out and show a timeless interpretation. 

Need to hire a silhouette artist for a wedding or movie or play logo?

See and SilhouettesbyCindiFacebook

Friday, June 12, 2015

Silhouette artist Cindi scissor cuts to save babies and children's lives

Silhouette artist Cindi scissor cuts to save babies and children's lives

Living Female Silhouette artist Cindi Rose uses scissors to cut profiles and logos to help other people's lives.  This beautiful female butterfly was cut by scissors artist, Cindi Harwood Rose for a March of Dimes luncheon to save babies lives that are born with birth defects or prematurely.  Cindi has stayed active with children's causes and currently as a living silhouette artist, is active with the Best Dressed Luncheon and Celebrity Chef dinner by donating silhouette artwork and serving on the committees.  She has a passion to help children.  As a former volunteer for the Austin State School with children with different birth defects such as autism, Cindi served as a volunteer and an artist to do art therapy. She chaired many events and served on the board for The River, which has art, dance, and music to help those children and their siblings that are physically and mentally impaired.   Her hospital arts program, through the Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation and City Artworks provides art to children in hospitals. City Artworks had Cindi Rose as a conversationalist, chair, and honoree for her work as a living scissor silhouette artist of this and last century.  There are only a few living silhouette artists who do the best works.  Cindi is considered one of the best.  She is also active doing silhouettes at weddings, museums, school fundraisers, and fashion events in the top department stores.  Rose, is also a TV personality, as an artist, food chef, and life-style enthusiast.  "Art can save someone's life", Cindi  says.  For her, she says art is her therapy, passion, calling, and natural gift from G-d.